May 20, 2010

Oops. I imagine this is a pretty uncomfortable situation for Bill Clinton, since Bill Halter served in the Clinton White House. The Halter campaign attributes it to a previous commitment to Lincoln, made before Halter entered the race:

A day after finishing ahead of Lt. Gov. Bill Halter by just 5,000 votes and being forced into a runoff, Sen. Blanche Lincoln announced she's bringing in a hefty campaign reinforcement: former President and Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.

The Lincoln campaign said Clinton would campaign for her in the Little Rock area on May 28. Details of the stops have not yet been released.

"Blanche is fighting the special interests and standing up for Arkansas," Clinton said in a statement released by the Lincoln campaign. "She has written the toughest Wall Street reform proposal to help Main Street businesses. She has fought for Arkansas farmers, ranchers and foresters. Arkansas cannot afford to lose Blanche's leadership as Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee," the former president continued.

The move is squarely designed to halt the momentum Halter has gained by coming within two percentage points of the two-term incumbent. With 93 percent of the vote counted, Lincoln led Halter 44 percent to 42 percent. The little-known D.C. Morrison captured 13 percent of the vote.

"We understand President Clinton is fulfilling a commitment he made before Bill Halter entered the race," said Halter campaign manager Carol Butler. - Live Donations Tracking for 2012 Donations - Make a Donation to 2012 Donations

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