I can't help but think there were some more aggressive tactics Obama could have used, like threatening to run ads in each state explaining how the
July 18, 2010

I can't help but think there were some more aggressive tactics Obama could have used, like threatening to run ads in each state explaining how their senator helped destroy the economy. Hell, he could have come up with better messaging, too -- like this: "You know how when your child has a strep throat, and the doctor says he has to take antibiotics for a full ten days, or the infection will get even worse? Passing half a stimulus package is like that. It may be cheaper now, but you're only going to make things worse later":

In an EXCLUSIVE interview on "This Week," host Jake Tapper asked Biden whether, in retrospect, the stimulus was too small given the dismal jobs situation in the country.

“There's a lot of people at the time argued it was too small,” he said. “A lot of people in our administration…even some Republican economists and some Nobel laureates like Paul Krugman, who continues to argue it was too small.”

“But, you know,” Biden told Tapper, “there was a reality. In order to get what we got passed, we had to find Republican votes. And we found three. And we finally got it passed,” Biden said.

But if it wasn’t for the legislative reality, Biden explained, “I think it would have been bigger. I think it would have been bigger. In fact, what we offered was slightly bigger than that. But the truth of the matter is that the recovery package, everybody's talking about it [like] it's over. The truth is now, we're spending more now this summer than we -- I'm calling this…the summer of recovery,” the Vice President said.

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