Bill O'Reilly explains to Karl Rove that the media is spinning the economic crisis "as negative as they can" to give Barack Obama cover for his economic stimulus program. He hastens to add that he "hopes" it works, he just wants "an honest press."
Yes, and the moon is made of green cheese!
Rove picks up the hypocrisy baton and carries it a little further, talking about the "precipitous decline in the markets under Clinton" and equates the present recession with unemployment under Clinton - not mentioning, of course, that he was one of the people who decided BushCo should simply use isolated parts of the unemployment statistics to make the economy look better than it is. (He's not stupid, just evil!)
Rove goes on to wonder if the media will ever hold Obama up to scrutiny, claiming that only one out of every four dollars in infrastructure projects is spent in the first year and won't have a stimulus effect. And you know, that might be true if these were projects starting from scratch, but they're not. Rove doesn't mention the thousands of major projects that are ready to go, just lacking funding. (I always feel like I need a shower after I listen to him.)
When I was a little kid in Southwest Philadelphia, I'd walk to school past a local taproom, Dowd's Tavern. Even though it was early morning, the door was usually open and you couldn't walk past without inhaling that unique blend of fetid, smoky air and stale beer. The men who'd worked the night shift at one of the local plants would be inside on the barstools, drinking and pontificating in loud voices in that "frequently wrong but never in doubt" certainty that is the birthright of my Irish blood. (Their diatribes were often about "the colored" ruining the country.)
And that's who Bill O'Reilly reminds me of - those guys. And Karl Rove? He reminds me of the parish priest who was a little too friendly with the altar boys.
If I were Queen of the World, I'd require that people like Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove perform in full clown makeup. I'd call it the "Truth in Media Packaging" law.