on Night Music -- Curtis Mayfield made up part of the soundtrack of my late teen years. He was smooth as silk. On the Lorne Michaels-produced ‘Nigh
April 19, 2009

on Night Music -- Curtis Mayfield made up part of the soundtrack of my late teen years. He was smooth as silk.

On the Lorne Michaels-produced ‘Night Music,’ he played several of his hits, including one of my faves, Pusherman.

As good as this performance by Mayfield is, the Hiram Bullock show begins around 3:50, as the camera puts him dead center in the frame. As he gets a very small few solo notes, he makes the most of it with some foxy moves. RIP Hiram and Curtis. You both are super fly.

David Sanborn - saxophone, Philippe Suisse - keys, Hiram Bullock - guitar, Tom Barney - bass, Omar Hakim - drums. I don’t know who the percussionist is. He’s not in the closing credits.

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