January 17, 2009

Building upon the movement that started on a cold January morning in Illinois almost two years ago, Barack Obama today announced the creation of "Organizing for America," a grassroots organization that will help ordinary citizens get involved in the legislation-making process.

USA Today:

While President-elect Barack Obama continues on his train trip to Washington, his transition team has just released a video in which he announces the creation of "Organizing for America."

"I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities," Obama says.

The goal is to take those who volunteered during the president-elect's campaign and organize them to "work for change" in communities.

Is this guy serious about changing the way this country works, or what? Check out BarackObama.com and get involved. The election of the 44th President of the United States was but only the first step. Now the real work begins.

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