John McCain complained Wednesday night that Barack Obama's mean health care "attack ads" hurt his feelings and interrupted his Sunday football viewing.
MCCAIN: "Every other ad -- ever other ad was an attack ad on my health care plan. And any objective observer has said it's not true. You're running ads right now that say that I oppose federal funding for stem cell research. I don't."
Here is the ad in question:
What John McCain fails to recognize is that contrast ads based on policy are fair game, especially, as in this case, it has the benefit of being true. If McCain wants to see a real attack ad, he need not look any further than his own YouTube page:
Or this one:
Look, politics is a rough sport. But there is a clear distinction to be made between the types of ads Obama is running (McCain will tax your health care) and the ones McCain is running (Obama pals around with terrorists, he's risky, he's dangerous.)
Obama goes after policy. McCain goes after character. Like the Senator said last night: The attacks say more about McCain's campaign than they do him.
Oh yea, and Obama was right about McCain's completely negative campaign:
So what do we learn? That the McCain campaign is running 100 percent negative ads right now. We learn that despite Obama's massive advantage on the air, McCain has still run more purely negative ads, and when factoring "hybrid" ads, they are running even.