[media id=7014] On a day when the Minnesota Supreme Court denied a bid by Coleman's campaign claim of some double-counted ballots, things are looking
December 25, 2008

On a day when the Minnesota Supreme Court denied a bid by Coleman's campaign claim of some double-counted ballots, things are looking dim for his re-election hopes. Or as Josh Marshall put it:

Looks like it's gonna be Sen. Franken (D-MN). Not a 100% yet. But the state Supreme Court just put the kibosh on Coleman's last credible legal angle.

Bye, Norm.

For his part, Coleman seems rather wistful at the prospect:

"I feel fairly confident. In the end, the good Lord's going to decide," Coleman told the local Fox affiliate. "The numbers look good to us. Certainly there's uncertainty. I'm not worried about it. I've done everything I can do. I'm not really agonizing about the outcome."

Coleman went on: "Life goes on, regardless of what your job is. I certainly love what I do. If I can keep doing it, I'll be thrilled, and if not, I'm sure we'll do something else."

Now far be it for me to make fun of another man's religion but Coleman's recent appearance on Chanukah With The Stars reminds me of the parody of the old SCTV series. (Rightwing nutter Dennis Prager was also a guest on one of the shows.) Between 3:35-4:20 Coleman talks about what it means to him to be in the U.S. Senate, that "he still has to pinch himself he's there". It would seem your pinching days are just about over, Norm.

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