The morning pundits that hang around with Joe Scarborough were fairly unanimous in their disdain today for Sharron Angle's campaign against Harry Reid in Nevada. No love was expressed for the majority leader either, it's just that none of them thought she has a chance in hell by running an amateurish Tea Party enthused campaign.
--Mark Halperin noted her extreme positions on privatizing social security, closing the Department of Education, Yucca Mountain and even worse her inability to fundraise at adequate levels, a cardinal sin for senate candidates. Halperin bluntly called her a "loser".
--Mike Barnacle said she sounded like "a mental patient" and that voters don't want to be embarrassed.
--Chris Matthews took exception to her support for those who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights with politicians they don't agree with.
In the end Joe Scarborough declared her campaign "over", meaning she had no chance at getting elected.
Now normally what these purveyors of Beltway conventional wisdom say or write wouldn't mean a whole lot, and perhaps this still doesn't. But all of these guys have seen a lot of campaigns come down the pike over the years and they know what works and what doesn't, the implication being that Angle might be able to get away with what she thinks in a congressional race somewhere out in the sticks. But seen under the microscope of a Senate race her radical personal views just won't cut it, no matter how unpopular Harry Reid is these days in Nevada.
And apparently the message has gotten through to Angle's campaign, who recently scrubbed her old website to make way for a new antiseptic version, something more presentable to a national audience rather than just her old Tea Party buddies. The Reid campaign promptly reposted the old site (, which the Angle campaign then sent a letter threatening to sue for copyright infringement. After some wrangling today where it went down temporarily the site was put up again.