The worst Senator in a body replete with really bad and odious senators tells us why Tornado relief is different than Hurricane relief.
May 21, 2013

The worst Senator in a body replete with really bad and odious senators tells us why Tornado relief is different than Hurricane relief.

Via WaPo

In the wake of the devastating tornado in an Oklahoma City suburb, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) rejected comparisons between federal aid for this disaster and the Hurricane Sandy relief package he voted against.

That was a “totally different” situation, Inhofe told MSNBC, arguing that the Sandy aid was filled with pork. There were “things in the Virgin Islands. They were fixing roads there and putting roofs on houses in Washington, D.C.”

“Everyone was getting in and exploiting the tragedy that took place,” he said. “That won’t happen in Oklahoma.”

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