October 10, 2013

This captures the tenor of the debate between Newark Mayor Cory Booker and his opponent, Steve Lonegan (R) last night before the special election for the U.S. Senate seat from New Jersey next Tuesday. Steve Lonegan is quite the piece of work.

via the NJ Star Ledger

In one notably feisty exchange, Booker, the mayor of Newark, said Lonegan, a conservative activist and former Bogota mayor, would want to gut environmental regulations, using the polluted Passaic River as an example of the need for them.

"You may not be able to swim in that river, but it’s probably, I think, because of all the bodies floating around of shooting victims in your city," Lonegan shot back.

"Oh my God," Booker said.

In another exchange, Lonegan said the state has poured countless dollars "into a big black hole in Newark."

Booker called Lonegan’s tone "insulting" and, in a theme he repeated throughout the debate, said Lonegan needed to stop "talking down to New Jersey’s cities."

"We’re one state with one destiny," Booker said.

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