Fox's Megyn Kelly had breaking (and breathless) news today that terrorists activists from a "liberal think tank" had breached security at the Iowa State Fair Grounds in Des Moines today, attacking Mitt Romney, assaulting him with questions in raised voices about Social Security and Medicare, fairer taxes for the rich, and other things ordinary Americans aren't supposed to think about too much, apparently. In the end, poor Mitt Romney lay prostrate on the ground, helpless and confused by it all, forced to admit that yes indeed "corporations are people" and that liberals were just too mean to them. Or something.
Ok, there may be some dramatizing in there. Watch the video and judge for yourself.
These folks who were doing the confrontation, these protestors were from the Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, which is described as a liberal think tank. They got there early. They positioned themselves in front of the crowd. They got a few questions into Romney. Do you think we’re going to be seeing more of that? You know, people who have a defined agenda from the average citizen showing up at these events.
Fox News really is something else, isn't it?