[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/23XJOiPU5Jk" width="425" height="300" resize="1" fid="21"]
I’m an activist from Occupy LA and I will be checking in with you guys every now and then to report on some of the on-the-ground, front line work being done.
The biggest question for most people when I talk about the Occupy movement is where in the hell is this thing headed. Is it an unmanned ship headed for disaster or is it a house of mirrors illuminating light on a possible new world.
Well, it looks to me that, 2012, Occupy 2.0 will be all about action, action, action…minus the action hero. You will see flash Occupy’s like the one I was just involved in- Occupy The Rose Parade (OTRP). A flash should have some standard operating procedures: a website and social networking, a group of organized people, an invitation to the media, and then the actual event, the action shot. Even though OTRP was more of a family orientated event, it still served its purpose. Five thousand participants did show up.
The next biggest Occupy LA action being planned is the General Strike committee for May 1st. There are about 80 activists organizing. That’s the size of a regular Occupy LA general assembly. This is the future of Occupy. You'll see in the above video from Spain, where they have a head start in true ultra-horizontal assemblies. The video is in Spanish but let me sum it up for you…they are organized and they're ready.