[Video from The Sun-Sentinel.]
A bunch of Broward County, Fla. Republicans convened at a local rifle range to talk politics and squeeze off a few rounds at bullseyes.
One of them was a poster of a scary dude in a traditional Middle Eastern headdress -- another was human likeness with the initials of local Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
Among the members of the Southeast Broward Republican Club shooting their handguns and AK's Robert Lowry, who is waging an uphill campaign to unseat the popular Democratic incumbent in a district where D's outnumber R's two-to-one.
Lowry's target -- a paper silhouette -- had "DWS" written on it, a stunt Lowry first called a "joke" and later a "mistake."
You gotta love that "Culture of Life" the Republicans like to tout. Shooting at a target with your election rival's initials on it? Classy, classy, classy.
At what point will the Republican party repudiate the undercurrent of violence that falls into their reactions, like these political signs in Arizona that were painted over with the words "Kill Obama"? Who will be hurt before that? Howie Klein has more...
UPDATE: Wasserman Schultz has released a statement:
"There is nothing light or funny about pretending to shoot someone. At a time in our country when people are bringing guns to Town Hall Meetings and a preacher is calling for the death of our President, I find this type of action serious and disturbing. Tonight I am going to have to talk to my young children about why someone is pretending to shoot their mother. Trivializing violent behavior is the kind of extreme view that has no place in American politics."