Jon Stewart on "Larry King Live" on cable news channels
Comedy Central's Rally for Sanity has been running an ongoing vote on signage for the upcoming rally and this is one of my favorites.
I think Jon Stewart makes a lot of sense, both in the strengths and the ultimately evils of Fox News and CNN. I wish that the Rally for Sanity would rally for some sanity of our news media as well. It's patently obvious to anyone who pays attention that they've been pushing narratives upon us that have little to do with reality. Even when they agree to much-ballyhooed fact-checking, the fact-checkers themselves have agendas. I don't know--other than this website--how to reach through to the media to ask them to take a stand. Stop acting as if everything is a binary equation with equal weight given to both sides.
There's a bunch of false binaries happening this morning. On Face the Nation, an actual elected Democratic leader, Rep Chris Van Hollen, head of the DCCC goes head to head with the criminally unindicted Karl Rove, the head of American Crossroads, who is trying to purchase democracy away from you. On Fox News Sunday, Pat Toomey, Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, will make his case along with Gov. Joe Manchin, Democratic Senate candidate in West Virginia. And we get all three Florida candidates on State of the Union: Rubio, Meek, and Crist. But the best viewing for my money? Rachel Maddow graces the round table once again on Meet The Press. Maybe David Gregory will get just a fraction of her integrity through osmosis.
ABC's "This Week" - Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine; retired Gen. Hugh Shelton, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
CBS' "Face the Nation" - Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md.; former Bush adviser Karl Rove.
NBC's "Meet the Press" - Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.
NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Dan Rather, Katty Kay, Andrew Sullivan, Cynthia Tucker. Topics: Did President Obama Push His Own Agenda To His Party’s Detriment? Will Tea Party Members Go Rogue On Republicans And Form A Third Party?
CNN's "State of the Union" - Florida Senate debate with Republican nominee Marco Rubio, Democratic nominee Kendrick Meek and independent Charlie Crist.
CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" - Americans take to the voting booth in just over a week. The most important issue - jobs. Fareed's take on why technology and the global marketplace have taken so many jobs from America - and maybe even taken the American dream, too. Richard Holbrooke, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.
"Fox News Sunday" - Pat Toomey, Republican nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania; Joe Manchin, Democratic nominee for Senate in West Virginia.
So, what's catching your eye this morning?