Jason Mraz - Live High
Apropos of nothing on the shows, but just a song that I like that seems a nice way to start this Sunday morning together. I don't know how many have noticed, but I've cut my blogging way back to essentially these Sunday shows. It turns out that spending too much time focusing on the crooks and liars in the media and Washington really is hazardous to your health. Who knew?
I'm not so sure that this Sunday is an auspicious start to my attempt to re-balance my life towards better health. Certainly, the crooks and liars are on parade again. Can someone explain to me why the Democratic party and Obama administration have such a tough time finding decent spokespeople? This week, WH budget director Peter Orszag will be on two different shows, but he'll be facing Cryin' John Boehner on Face the Nation and Eric "I heart Newt" Cantor on State of the Union. The reliable Claire McCaskill will be on This Week, but how much time will she get over Richard "I haven't seen Obama's birth certificate" Shelby? And of course, most predictably of all, the man who actually lost the election, John McCain, will be on Fox News Sunday for his armchair quarterbacking of the economic crisis. Funny thing, that. Didn't the American people pretty decisively say (with their votes) that they didn't think he was the man for this job?
ABC's "This Week" - Sens. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., and Richard Shelby, R-Ala.; Thomas Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
CBS' "Face the Nation" - White House budget director Peter Orszag; Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio.
NBC's "Meet the Press" - Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.
NBC's "The Chris Matthews Show" - Panel: Trish Regan, Rick Stengel, Clarence Page and Kathleen Parker. Topics: Is President Obama trying to tackle too many problems at once? Are there small signs of hope for an economic turnaround? Meter Questions: Does President Obama bear some responsibility for the sinking stock market? YES: 7 NO: 5; Is there a bipartisan consensus that the Iraq war is over? YES: 8 No: .4
CNN's "State of the Union" - Orszag; Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va.
"Fox News Sunday" - Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.; Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, Democratic National Committee chairman.
So, while I'm dreaming of living high on the streets of Paris, tell us what's catching your eye this morning?