(h/t ThinkProgress)
Even though the turnout was less than expected, as Rachel Maddow put it, what they lacked in bodies, they made up for in exclamation points. One of those politicos responsible for a quite a bit of the punctuation of the day was Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX). Gohmert, who you'll remember has previously insisted that private health insurance would be taken away from Americans with the passing of this bill and promised to cancel the stimulus bill if the Republicans retook the majority in 2010, had to ratchet up the crazy in order to keep up with Michelle Bachmann. And boy, did he go over the cliff into Crazy Town:
Gohmert elicited cheers from the crowd when he made a graphic and disturbing claim about the bill:
GOHMERT: I brought the bill that’s being talking about. Now I don’t want to offend anybody, I’m sure that there are people here who think abortion is okay, and I don’t want to make you sick, but I brought an abortion to show you today. [...]
There’s a whole lot of demons going on. There’s a lot of demons around here apparently.
Going along with my theory that everything Republicans accuse Democrats of generally is a projection of their own guilt, I think it's safe to assume that Gohmert is actually admitting to his own demonic possession. It's the only explanation that I can think of for his bombastic, lying, disgusting rhetoric.