It's an aspect that right wingers are quick to dismiss and to denigrate, but the entire global community watched with interest at our elections. And for such a jingoistic bunch, the wingnuts don't appear to realize that the world is hoping for us to regain our previous status and set an actual example of democracy and freedom, not just lip service towards it.
Reuters News Service did a series of videos from all over the world with messages to President-elect Obama. The rough translations of the Iraqi messages (from YouTube):
1. (English) BAQEE NAQED, JOURNALIST, SAYING : "I as an Iraqi, I am asking Obama to keep his promise about withdrawing the U.S. security forces here from our land and we want friendly ties with Iraq people and government. We do not need an occupation here, we need people to help us to improve security situation and services."
2. (Arabic) MOHAMMED AL-SHABIKY CITIZEN, SAYING: "We hope from Obama to hold talks with neighbouring countries and represent new U.S. policy in Middle East and more specifically in Iraq."
3. (Arabic) FADHIL AL-SHAMREE, BANKER, SAYING: "We call upon Mr. President Obama to hold good relations with Iraq and pullout U.S. and multi-national forces from Iraq as soon as possible.".
There are more video postcards from Iran, Nairobi, Cuba, China, Israel, Palestine, France, Australia, and Russia. How inspiring it is to have so many people all over the planet regain hope in the US from this election.