Max Blumenthal at The Daily Beast: On Wednesday, I reported for The Daily Beast that key leaders of the white supremacist movement are seeking new op
October 31, 2008

Max Blumenthal at The Daily Beast:

On Wednesday, I reported for The Daily Beast that key leaders of the white supremacist movement are seeking new opportunities to infiltrate and influence the political mainstream, particularly within the Republican base. An exclusive new video, shown here for the first time, offers new evidence of their strategic push.

In the video, shot by an amateur videographer (available here) who provided me exclusive access to his footage, an unidentified staffer from one of the country’s most popular white supremacist radio programs, The Political Cesspool, is seen promoting his show’s website at an October 13 rally for Sarah Palin in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Just feet away, Randall Terry, founder of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, hands out fliers and recruits volunteers to canvas for McCain-Palin.

Though neither Political Cesspool nor Randall Terry have any known contact with the McCain-Palin campaign, their presence at the recent Palin rally presents one of the clearest portraits yet of the far right’s attempts to exploit the Republican base’s anti-Obama resentment for organizational gain.

According to its "Statement of Principles," the Political Cesspool "represent[s] a philosophy that is pro-White" and which "heartily endorse[s] and accept[s] as our own, the founding tenets of the Council of Conservative Citizens [CCC]," America’s largest white supremacist group. A 2007 article in the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report noted that, “The Political Cesspool' in the past two years has become the primary radio nexus of hate in America.”

Your "soulmate", Senator McCain, the one you say "energizes the base" that you're so proud of is pallin' around with white supremacists and people who advocate harassment of Planned Parenthood offices. What a fine person of which to be proud.

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