Damn it, I hate it when this happens. I actually agree with George Will. As I reel from worlds colliding, let's look at the astonishing admission of wrongness on behalf of a Republican to which George Will wants an apology:
WILL: Five hundred and sixty five pages and a simple apology would have been in order in some of them. Which is to say, the great fact of those eight years is we went to war—big war, costly war—under false pretenses. And…to write a memoir in which you say essentially nothing seriously went wrong…if I wrote a memoir of my last week, I would have things to apologize for.
Every appearance on This Week offers up the opportunity for Will to apologize for his usual wrongness, but I digress.
This is just another example of the after-the-fact tacit admissions of the right wing--who spent the entire decade castigating and criticizing the left for questioning why we were in Iraq, mind you--that the Bush administration did lie us into a war of choice against a nation that posed no threat. But where's the apology for that from George Will, huh?
Weekly appearances on a national news show for the last 28 years and a twice-weekly column since 1978 and you'd think a simple apology--"The left was right about invading Iraq" --would not only be in order, but mentioned at some point in all the platforms Will is privileged to have.