Can we officially now eliminate George Will from the roster of Very. Serious. Pundits?
I know that Nate Silver is some sort of evil wizard to conservatives because of ...well, know, having a liberal bias and all, but let's look at the most recent round up of presidential likely voter polls from him:
See that blue line going up? See red line going down? Those are the mathematical averages of national polls, not some crazy leftist fantasy. There is no mathematic way for George Will to get to 321 Electoral College votes. None. Will's such an outlier that even his fellow conservatives at the roundtable, Ron Brownstein of the National Journal and Matthew Dowd, have Mitt Romney losing with 70-90 fewer EV than Will's ludicrous prediction. Hell, even Karl Rove admitted on Fox News that Obama was ahead.
But George Will, encouraged by his cushy, high-paying job that never holds him accountable for being wrong, can go ahead and let his partisan freak flag fly free. He can make a prediction that no one--not one single person on any side of the aisle--thinks is possible. He knows it's not possible either, but he's gonna go ahead and stake it anyway in the hopes that some low info voter will believe George "Villager Idiot" Will and go along with it. And worst yet, he knows that come next Sunday, he'll still grab a paycheck for that seat on the This Week panel and no one will say anything about how monstrously wrong he was, once again.
I'd encourage you to ask Executive Producer Mark Burstein if there's any consequences, any accountability that ABC News requires of their punditry.