May 27, 2013

Credit: Wonkette
There is a breathtaking scope of competition out there, but Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft is generally regarded to be one of the dumbest men on the internetz for a reason. Man, does he hate it when those in the reality-based community come up with photographic proof of his stupidity:

Let us set the scene: on Friday the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent out a fundraising letter soliciting money to fight the Tea Party. As part of the pitch, the letter talked about the anti-IRS rallies the Tea Partiers staged last week. At one rally, the letter said, “radicals waved signs with Nazi symbols.” This of course caused much argle and bargle on the right. Outrage! Nazis were actually progressives! Dems are making ridiculous racist blah blah blah!

The Stupidest Man on the Internet led the charge (bolding his):

Of course, this did not happen.


Today we are offering a reward to the DSCC if they can offer proof of Nazi symbols – carried approvingly by Tea Party activists – were seen at any of the IRS Tea Party rallies this week. We will give $3,150 to Elizabeth Warren’s favorite minority women’s support group if the DSCC can produce evidence that there were “Nazi symbols” at any of the Tea Party rallies held last Tuesday.

(Note: the amount was originally $3000, but as of press time some of Hoft’s followers had contributed their hard-earned Social Security monies to the cause because the grandkids can go without birthday gifts this year.)

Yr Wonkette loves a challenge! And we’re still waiting for Hoft to offer us one, because we needed about five minutes and a couple of permutations of the words Tea Party, IRS, rallies, and Nazi to turn up this little charmer.

Ooops! Those pesky facts rising up again to smack a wingnut around. Dontcha hate it when that happens?

Naturally, Hoft isn't conceding defeat, taking to actually changing his initial challenge (silly man, screen caps are forever!) to sneak out of paying up what he rightfully lost. If you have a Twitter account, maybe you'd like to ask ol' Jim when he's going to man up and admit he was pulling facts from his posterior. Again.

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