October 9, 2008

(Huge h/t to Jane Hamsher)

I flip around the cable channels during the day just to get an idea of what the punditocracy considers big news and I caught the tail end of this segment on Fox yesterday morning and could not stop laughing.

The GOP and their propaganda arm, FOX News, are up in arms over the latest Newsweek cover of Sarah Palin that accompanies this scathing article by Jon Meacham. The article, that points to Palin's "commonness" as a problem to her credibility as a candidate, is less of a concern to the GOP than the fact that they did a close up of her face and did not retouch it to hide blemishes and pores. And you may remember, FOX knows about retouching photos for credibility's sake.

Apparently, they're not as afraid of their supporters reading as they are of them looking at pictures and realizing that Palin's skin isn't peaches and cream perfect.

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