June 7, 2010

(h/t Heather)

I admit, I bypassed my college commencement exercises. Norman Schwarzkopf was the speaker, can you blame me? I was a massively neo-hippie liberal square peg during the yuppie "greed is good" '80s in you-can-never-be-too-rich-or-too-thin plastic Southern California. I was chomping at the bit to start my adult life and couldn't imagine what relevant advice the war-mongering Stormin' Norman could offer. So I skipped graduation and trusted my own counsel. However, I have to admit that this particular piece of commencement advice given to the class of 2010 is one that I have embraced and carried with me for these 20+ years since my college days.

Respect others. Know, that they are most likely afraid, just like you. In fact, the more arrogant and the more forceful they become, I have found the more afraid they really are.

Now can I tell you that it just kills me--KILLS me--that this is a quote from Glenn Beck to the 2010 graduates of Liberty University? A less self-aware speaker to a less actualized audience I cannot conceive.

But the irony of that statement is lost upon the channel that gives Glenn Beck a platform for his disrespectful, arrogant and fear-based crap daily. They even feature Beck before the President--but tellingly, after the actress talking about how much she loves money.

Ah, the priorities of Fox News. I think the best advice I could offer today's graduate is to stay as far away from Fox News as possible. I guarantee you'll know more.

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