November 8, 2013

Dylan Ratigan
Credit: via Twitter

Not to put too fine a point on this, but... Dylan Ratigan, what the hell is wrong with you?

Ratigan appeared to have had an epiphany after years working in and reporting on the financial industry. His Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC spent segment and segment on the destructive alliance between big business and government. He even wrote a book about it. In June of 2012, he announced he was leaving MSNBC, looking for some more meaningful way to live.

I get it. Sometimes, when you need to rid yourself of rats, the easiest thing to do is quit the rat race. He started a hydroponic farm, where he hires Iran and Afghanistan War-returned vets to help them ease back into civilian life.

So it's not without a lot of consternation that I find this tweet from Ratigan. Come on, Dylan, you spent YEARS ranting about the greed of corporations and the malignancy that is profit above all other considerations and the person you blame for having your insurance dropped is President Obama?

How about directing a little bit of that rage and blame where it belongs: the FOR-PROFIT health insurance company willing to sell you a sub-standard policy and then gouge you for a decent one?

And here's the thing: if you are so lucky to be healthy enough to think you only need catastrophic care (a MASSIVELY stupid assumption in my book, personally, but whatever, that's a post for a different day), you have a societal obligation to add yourself into the risk pool to help all of us who have pre-existing conditions (like my asthma) to help all of our costs come down. That's how this works. We're all stronger together, even if your individual contribution is more than you're used to. Frankly, if something *had* happened to you with your sub-standard coverage, it would have been me and all of us paying for comprehensive coverage that would have covered your cheap ass. You were taking a risk that we all had to cover for you. Now it's time for you to pay us back.

And yes, an almost 400% increase is a tough initial swallow for most Americans (I mean, those of us who don't get paid ridiculously inflated salaries for being on TV--you did make some smart investments with all that financial industry reporting you did, right?), but do remember, you're going to get a tax break at the end of the year as well. So it's not *really* as big a deal for you as you're making out and you've made it possible for people who have been much less fortunate in their lives to get the health coverage they need.

So in short, Dylan (and I say this will all due respect), STFU or start placing the blame where it belongs and help us move the conversation to reforming ACA into Medicare for All.

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