Courtesy of The Onion, but not far from the truth, is it?
Albert Einstein once famously said that the definition of insanity was "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Well, how else can you characterize this statement by President Obama?
In an interview with the Associated Press published Saturday, Obama says Republicans hell-bent on shutting down his agenda will be more willing to play ball if he’s re-elected.
He said two changes — the facts that “the American people will have voted,” and that Republicans will no longer need to be focused on beating him — could lead to better conditions for deal-making.
If Republicans are willing, Obama said, “I’m prepared to make a whole range of compromises” that could even rankle his own party. But he did not get specific.
Oh help me, Rhonda. This fetish for bipartisanship is killing this country, especially when the Republicans are clearly so unwilling to play along. Please do not let this mean that Obama's "Grand Bargain" dismantling critical social safety nets are what we're in store for.