September 20, 2009

(h/t David N.)

Poor widdle Chris Wallace. That mean ol' Barack Obama won't come on his show but he's appearing on virtually every other Sunday show...including Univision, fer cryin' out loud. Univision! Oh, the humiliation of being snubbed like the ugly girl at the school dance.

Wallace goes on The O'Reilly Factor and says he just can't understand why the Obama administration would be so mean to him. In his mind, it's simply childish to refuse a spot on Fox News:

WALLACE: ...That’s exactly my position: I think Fox News Sunday is a truly fair and balanced show.

O’REILLY: You’re not an ideological show at all.

WALLACE: No. And it’s like they refuse to take “yes” for an answer. There’s a kind of childishness or pettiness about them…

O’REILLY: You know, that’s a…it’s an immaturity that if you don’t …if you don’t hold our line, we’re just gonna ice you.

Oy. The mind reels at the sheer hypocrisy of it all. Maybe the average Fox viewer has a memory that lasts no more than 10 minutes (which may explain the popularity of Glenn Beck) and thinks that the constant featuring of William "I am NEVER right about anything" Kristol constitutes being "fair and balanced", but does it seem odd to any critical thinking person why Barack Obama would choose not to legitimize the outlet that pushed the tea parties, madrassas, terrorist fist jabs, and even jokingly fantasized about killing him? And yet to widdle Chris, it's petty of the President to not want to be sandbagged as Wallace did with Bill Clinton.

Let me make it easier for you and the rest of the Fox crew, Chris. Obama has tried reaching out to you. Remember the interview he did with you over Rev. Wright? Your editorial department (read Mr. Ailes) decided that even if Obama reached out, that wouldn't stop your insinuating of his Otherness constantly. The next time you ask why Obama won't go on Fox, just have a gander at this:

'Nuff said.

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