(h/t Heather at VideoCafe)
Uh oh. Is Tweety feeling that special tingle up his leg again?
Up next…who loses the most with Scott Brown’s victory this week? It might be Sarah Palin. All of the sudden, she has company on the Republican hot list. Well, political hot list.
Head. Slams. Keyboard. Matthews is well known for his man crushes. He could hardly contain himself when Bush landed on that aircraft carrier to announce "Mission Accomplished". And he waxed rhapsodic over Fred Thompson's "manly" scent. We could detect the wistful longing in his voice when referring to Mitt Romney, and don't even get me started on his love for Rudy Giuliani. And now CosmoBoy Scott Brown enters the ranks of the handsome, just-out-of-reach politicos that give Tweety that special thrill.
And that he mentions Sarah Palin in the same breath is equally as egregious. Two untested, ill-informed, tea-baggin' politicians are now be considered by him as forerunners for the Republican Party without batting so much as an eyelash in irony, yet he can go on the offensive with Alan Grayson, a straight-shooting legislator who's is actually trying to do something more than self-aggrandizement.
Matthews has a near sociopathic ability to separate intent from merit. There is no factoring in for truth, or right, or justice, or selflessness. There's no consideration for the issues or the impact on Americans. It's all about being "hot". It's all about how Matthews responds to the politico with his little Tweety.
Example #234,203,347 on how the media fails Americans yet again.