INAUGURATION QUICK HITS: Participation...Dear World...Words to no longer fear...I have a cold and black little heart...The field negro comments...Billmon weighs in...Bush Obama Street...First Couple's First Dance... Oliver Willis' Mom...A word from the Rude Pundit...'Founding documents'...Best headline ever...Echoes of a message from post history...The whole world was Watching America
Opinions You Should Have: The Bush Years, Part One and Part Two
GOPnot4me: Darth Cheney, schmuck til the bitter end
Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog: Condi Nasty: The Secretary of State's Shoes, Hairdos and Fabulous Fashions, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four
David Seaton's News Links: Israel, America's tragic looking glass
gin and tacos: The new Nuremburg defense