Ta-Nehisi Coates: Exclusive! New McCain ad exposes Obama's secret ties
Consortiumblog: Six decades ago, the Nuremberg Tribunals established that propagandists shared in the guilt for crimes against humanity, but today, U.S. journalists casually advocate for war crimes.
CXOAG: A regularly updated list of the accuracy of market direction calls by the 'experts.' You'll note that Jim Cramer and Bob Brinker are accurate 46% of the time...flipping a coin would be better. (h/t TD)
Connecting.the.Dots: What Obama has to do tonight
ginandtacos: How does Gramps McCain’s mysteriously-derived estimate of earmark spending compare to calculations by organizations that bother with “facts” and “numbers”?
Words of Power: In this election and after, will the U.S. heed the message the Nobel Committee has been sending these last two years?