Mock, Paper, Scissors: Back on the sauce BlondeSense: The nationalization of financial institutions might be a good thing if it leads to the firing a
November 24, 2008

Mock, Paper, Scissors: Back on the sauce

BlondeSense: The nationalization of financial institutions might be a good thing if it leads to the firing and prosecution of these, and other criminals.

Pam's House Blend: "The worst Treasury Secretary in modern times."  What else could we expect from the worst president ever?

David Seaton's News Links: Deflation as a metaphor

Foolocracy: Terrorist takes comedy class while in prison

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Why is the NYT publishing a war criminal?...Covering new presidents: the media's double standards...MSM Moron of Da Week...AP to drop 10% of staff...WaPo continues to underestimate Iraq war casualties...Glenn Beck doesn't understand why he's resented as a bigot...Ailes says FOX wont "attempt to destabilize" Obama's presidency right now...In praise of Izzy...Covering up for Paulson...Hackery Hall of Fame inductee...The Michael O'Hanlon of magazines...Headline of the Week...Second place winner...Wapo loves that Cheney Kool Aid...WSJ's editorial page usually inspires violent thoughts, but once in a while, they print something worth reading...

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