The Big Picture: 110 banks have asked for $220 billion under the bailout plan. Why? The banks aren't loaning out money which was what the 'Bailout' was supposed to accomplish. The American people are getting shafted while some of those who got us into this mess are doing just fine. Meanwhile, a noxious liar is given space in Bloomberg to assure us that the markets are perfect, and that the crisis is the fault of the liberal media... and Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae, because they lend money to black people.
TVNews Lies: New Blackwater scandal: Guns, silencers, and dog food
The Fifth Columnist: Republican woes and the end of ideology.
Southern Poverty Law Center: A $2.5 million verdict against the Imperial Klans of America
Feministe: The best source of patriotism since Fox News
Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons...and speaking of cartoons...