LittleSis: Two big players, in both the Democratic party and the business community, teamed with the Chamber of Commerce to fight financial reform
Pruning Shears: What happened to WaMu? The FDIC won't say
FDL News Desk: Dorgan exploring the mystery of who killed his drug reimportation legislation
Crooked Timber: The failure of trickle down...
Mock, Paper, Scissors: I needed a laugh. Thanks Tengrain
HOLY CRAP: Satan attacks Rod Parsley...Christian Radio...Indoctrination is all the “Hip”...Suck on this, infidel...Christmas quagmire...Oral Roberts passes on...This guy has absorbed too many kicks to the head...Ted Haggard still begging forgiveness...Oh, the humanity!...Christmas billboard...Christian radio, part ll...The courthouse is not a church...Criminal resigns from pedophile cult...Principles...