Climate Progress: Saudis redefine chutzpah: After decades of overpricing and trillions of dollars in future revenues, they want aid if use is cut by a long overdue climate deal.
Prairie Weather: Harry Reid - Harry Reid! - is threatening to hit the insurance companies where it hurts. And here's the bottom line on Olympia Snowe
Hysterical Raisins: The road to Shell is paved with bad intentions
Crooked Timber: Thought Crime and Mens Rea
Bay Area Houston: America can learn a lot from Texas
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Corner hilarity...Profanity Gate?...It gets worse...Anonymous sources...Too tough for the NYT...WSJ scribe knocks own editorial page...Shafting carriers...WaPo's bizarre Taliban editorial...Tom Tancredo is now writing for World Nut Daily...Wrong opinion... Iran away...National Partisan Radio