Harold's Left: The socialism of Firemen
Majikthise: Emerging narrative: Shut up liberals, you're ruining it. But the squeeky wheel gets the grease
Mondoweiss: LA Times columnist: Jerusalem is 'apartheid city' in 'apartheid country'
Calitics: The deliberate strangulation of democracy
Threat Level: Guantanamo defense lawyers being investigated over CIA photos
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Anatomy of a column...Don Hewitt, RIP...I. F. Stone and Robert Novak...When wingnut CEOs write op/ed pieces...Murdoch outs Rove as a liar...The Anal Cyst...Where do they find these people?...Apparently this business rag is run by hacks...News Corp. pushing for consortium...An explosion of truthiness...Ask This...Zell sells the Cubs...A Taylor-made Globe?