Armchair Generalist: LeMay's proteges speak naked capitalism: Banks are expected to collect $38 billion in overdraft fees in 2009. The most cash-stra
August 11, 2009

Armchair Generalist: LeMay's proteges speak

naked capitalism: Banks are expected to collect $38 billion in overdraft fees in 2009. The most cash-strapped customers are the hardest hit by such fees, with 90 per cent of overdraft revenues coming from 10 per cent of the 130m checking accounts in the US.

Senate Guru: Why Sen. Chrispopher Dodd will win re-election

The Washington Monthly: Sweet Surrender

Lost in Tarnation: Obama, Harper, Calderon announce Socialist Monarchy. ban Texas

NotionsCapital: Paula Abdu has beenl appointed to the Obama Death Panel. Meanwhile, the Palin family is still eligible for free Fed health care

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