Facing South: Long lines - a voting rights issue.  It's not surprising that in 2005, the Florida Republican-dominated state legislature passed laws t
October 24, 2008

Facing South: Long lines - a voting rights issue.  It's not surprising that in 2005, the Florida Republican-dominated state legislature passed laws to make it more difficult.  REPUBLICANS DONT WANT AMERICANS TO VOTE

Bay Area Houston: Swift Boat founder and funder, Bob Perry has sent out a mailer to residents of Pasadena,Texas, smearing Democrat Joel Redmond.  When they're not suppressing votes they're sliming the opposition.

They gave us a republic: I don't want to hear one more punkass Republican say anything about supporting the troops

pogo: Another member of the most corrupt administration in US history resigns in disgrace

HOLY CRAP: When fake-Christians smear...God the psycho...Jesus Christ: Wrong For America...Christian Coalition Voter Guides...Darrow, Darwin, and Dayton...BushCo lawbreakers for Christ...Got soul?...A REAL,TRUE American woman...Here's another one...African witchcraft curses against McCain & Palin...Virginia pharmacy declares it's "birth-control free"...The FundamentaList...God Swill 40 days later...Lunatic pastor...Palin's witch-hunting pastor exposed...A little Windex should take of this..The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party...Prisoners of War...How to argue with obnoxious Christians...

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