Georgetown Security Law Brief: Despite Obama's pledge, the DOJ defends Bush secrets. more smoke and mirror deficit accounting.
A Tiny Revolution: Meet Israel's next Prime Minister
d r i f t g l a s s: If you want to know what is really at the corrupt, oozy heart of the Conservative movement (and its filthy little avatar, the Republican Party) look no further than their ideological trade show: the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC.
This Modern World : Now it can be told. Walking a fine line between plausibility and idiocy, Tom Tomorrow and some friends had a parody right wing blog up for a short time in 2006.
3quarksdaily: Goodbye Dubai
The Opinion Mill's Weekend Bookchat: He studied the roots of American anti-labor violence, clashed with McCarthyites and died under mysterious circumstances -- let a newly reissued book introduce you to the work of an overlooked American master. How a renowned science fiction author found himself in a FoxNoise horror story. The scandal of lobbying. And watch Milton Friedman's legacy go down the drain.