The Mahablog: Spreading the wealth around
Prose Before Hos: Wallpapers for Obama
AverageBro: White People Gone Wild
Opinions You Should Have: McCain To Suspend Campaign In Order To Rescue Campaign
Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Beating the press...Van Sustern can't figure out why Obama criticizes FOX...The lessons of the press' failure to challenge BUSHCO...Live, from Iraq...Lil' Bill O'Reilly is back...Top 30 Newspaper Web Sites...
This Sunday, NYT visits Rachel Maddow at home. Maybe she can explain the word 'facts' to them...I don't know who will explain the need for 'facts' to CNN..Bogus WaPo reporter featured in Obama smear...Hack Watch: John Stossel...NYT to close Heald Tribune website. What will Drudge link to now?...False equivalency abounds...Media criticism of hate speech long overdue...