The Cable: WTF?! This stinks
D-Day: The argument for change hasn't been won. Obama's notions of 'post-partisan' governance will just have to damn-well wait until the morons who got us where we are now have been completely discredited and defeated.
Buck Naked Politics: Obama's executive pay caps don't address the root problem
AfterDowningStreet: Putting war waste, and recalcitrant generals, on the chopping block
Yesterday, Heather put up this excellent post about fear-mongering criminal, Dick Cheney, and his refusal to stand down and shut-the-f*ck up. To understand why this wont happen until he is brought to justice, go read The Co-President at Work.
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Media mull bipartisanship...NPR interviews on Stimulus: 6 Rethugs for every Dem...Morning Joe rewriting history...FOX uses tax delinquent Dick Morris to criticize Dashle...Four-letter word...Bill Bennett criticizes Rush Limbaugh!...How to Stop Hate Radio... 'Rube' Goldberg's new book...Tweety returns to form...Old habits die hard...Who's undercutting Obama?...Now they tell us...A Heartfelt Apology...Cheap shot...WaPo misses mark again...Sticking up for Wall St. greedheads...ABC's Gibson carrying GOP water...NYT leaves planet earth