Olbermann out at Current TV. Now what? (How is it that Dear Leader Rush and his ilk get to spew hatred and bigotry and stay on the air, while someone generally decent and thoughtful, if admittedly also a tad egomaniacal, like Keith can't find a media home?)
Mario Piperni: Racism (on the right) is alive and well in America.
Echidne of the Snakes: Arizona plans draconian abortion restrictions.
And so do Kansas and New Hampshire. Women, the war on you is in full swing. Let's all fight back with everything we've got.
And some international content:
The Duck of Minerva: How China may respond to containment.
Fruits and Votes: Trouble for democracy in Mali and Senegal.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings).
Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.
By Michael Stickings
— March 31, 2012