From a classic Simpsons, "Much Apu About Nothing":
Crowd: Down with taxes! Down with taxes!
Mayor Quimby: Are these morons getting dumber or just louder?
Aide: Dumber, sir. They won't give up the bear patrol, but they won't pay the tax for it either.
The Left Coaster: Rand Paul abandons his principles. Already.
Seeing the Forest: The Tea Party betrayal has begun. Already.
Lawyers, Guns & Money: Looking back at the great Democratic presidents.
Did voting for climate legislation or health-care reform really hurt the Dems, as the Republican gloating would suggest?
And from the go-to blog for all things (international) election-related, hosted by my friend Matthew Shugart, a fascinating post about a concept developed in his new book:
Fruits and Votes: Obama and ESP (Electoral Separation
of Purpose).
Guest post by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. E-mail tips to mjwstickings AT yahoo DOT ca.