So what now? Do we awake this Monday morning with Tea Party America in full swing, with the Republicans preparing to slash government into submission to right-wing ideology? Or will reality prevail, with some perspective on what last Tuesday meant, and with Obama and the Democrats figuring out that appeasement doesn't do them or the country any good at all? Whatever the case, it doesn't help that with a government of, by, and for the people, the people want everything at the cost of nothing. No wonder things look so bleak.
Muddy Politics: How l'affaire Olbermann is good for MSNBC.
Manifesto Joe: Countering the right-wing lies on Obama's Asia trip.
Pam's House Blend: Don't count on DADT repeal before new Congress sits.
Satirical Political: Republicans to let Obama serve 3/5th of term. (You know it could happen.)
And to mark the seventh blogiversary of Mustang Bobby, a contributing editor at my place and one of the finest bloggers around: Bark Bark Woof Woof: Stuff it, George F. Will, that wasn't a rejection of liberalism.
Guest post by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. E-mail tips to mjwstickings AT yahoo DOT ca.