Hi everyone. It's great to be back at C&L. Taking the baton from Jon Perr, I'll be here doing the round-up through Super Bowl Sunday. With many of the world's eyes focused on Egypt, let's get started...
Taylor Marsh: The U.S. has enabled Mubarak's authoritarian regime. So what will Obama do now?
Brilliant at Breakfast: B. Obama v. H. Clinton. Will the Obama Administration rethink its foreign policy priorities?
No More Mister Nice Blog: Will the supposedly rebellious Teabaggers fall in line with pro-Mubarak Republicans?
The Duck of Minerva: What would a new Egyptian government mean for the U.S.?
Comments from Left Field: Was Condi Rice's State Department behind the Egyptian uprising?
And from Capt. Fogg at Human Voices: With revolution at hand, what about Egypt's timeless antiquities?
Guest post by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. Send your tips to mjwstickings AT yahoo DOT ca.