May 20, 2009

Danger Mouse has made a spellbindingly great record in collaboration with Sparklehorse and visual aid by David Lynch -- but he can't release it due to legal battles with his label. Undeterred, Mouse and co. are releasing the album, Dark Knight of the Soul as a booklet with 100 of Lynch's photographs and a blank CD. Each CD is monogrammed 'For Legal Reasons, enclosed CD-R contains no music. Use it as you will,' the clear intention being for listeners to download the album via a BitTorrent client or other black market means.

The album features guest vocals by Julian Casablancas (the Strokes), Vic Chesnutt, Suzanna Vega, Black Francis (on 'Angel's Harp, the track heard here), and more. You can stream the whole thing at NPR.

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