February 24, 2010

C&L and other blogs have been documenting Fox News' use of misleading and false graphics for years. Usually, when a Republican gets in trouble or falls out of good graces, they mislabel them as Democrats -- but over the past few days Media Matters has caught some real stinkers that makes one wonder if they really are, just that bad:

Almost three months to the day since Fox News instituted its "zero tolerance for on-screen errors" policy, the following on-screen graphic was displayed during the February 22 edition of America's Newsroom: Read on...


Why does Fox News hate J.D. Hayworth? Isn't he the fluffernutter candidate who makes Senator John McCain look like a die hard progressive? To make matters worse, the very next day, Media Matter caught another goof.


Is Rupert Murdoch so cheap he won't spring for basic spell check software?

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