Labor organization Working America has a launched a "Talk Turkey" campaign to encourage progressives, labor members and the 99 percent to talk to their families over the Thanksgiving holiday about the issues related to the Occupy Wall Street
November 19, 2011

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Labor organization Working America has a launched a "Talk Turkey" campaign to encourage progressives, labor members and the 99 percent to talk to their families over the Thanksgiving holiday about the issues related to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Rejecting the conventional wisdom that one shouldn't talk politics or religion at the holidays, Working America suggests that this is a perfect opportunity to help spread the message of the 99 percent and potentially convince relatives that they, too, are part of the 99 percent:

What's your favorite part of the holidays? Big meals? Mashed potatoes and gravy? Cranberry sauce? Sleeping off your meal over the big football game? How about those never-ending discussions with your family about everything from Dancing with the Stars to Congress?

Well, this holiday season, Working America invites you to embrace that quality family time as an opportunity to help Uncle Dave and Aunt Maggie make sense of what it means to be a part of the 99 percent. We're calling it "Turkey Talk."

How can you take on the "Turkey Talk" Holiday Family Challenge to talk with friends and family in a way that draws out the real issues? Here are some basic strategies and advice, along with some substantive facts and answers that will clear up myths, confusion or spin coming from the 1 percent.

Working America's 'Turkey Talk' website offers the following resources:

  • Four tips on how to talk to relatives effectively
  • Facts (with sources) on the 99 percent and the 1 percent
  • Commonly repeated falsehoods about the movement and fact-based responses

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