[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/C-_mo6hgjBs" width="420" height="315" resize="1" fid="21"]
It isn't just Verizon workers who the company is harming, they are also being protested by customers who have been lied to by the profitable company.
Occupy the Boardroom has expanded their agenda to include specific Wall Street companies, most notably anti-union Verizon. Those dissatisfied with Verizon's actions can now go to a specific sub-site hosted by Occupy the Boardroom, learn more about the company, and leave their comments for the executives running the business and assaulting its workers.
Tell some of the biggest corporate tax dodgers in America exactly what you think of them! Verizon, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America have all spent billions on lobbying since they helped crash the economy – more than they paid in corporate taxes. In fact, not only have they spent billion buying access, they've all gamed the system to receive millions in TAX REFUNDS! Find that offensive? Tell the executives of these companies yourself!
Representative messages left at the site (and to be delivered to Verizon executives) are like those from Melanie and Robert Baker:
“You expect your loyal employees to give back their hard-won benefits and you still want these Americans to pay!! Mean while you and your moneyed peers continue to cop out of your financial responsibilities to this country!!! We are a capitalistic country but we are also one nation, under God and we are for the people and by the people!!! Fairness to all! Quit lining your pockets with the hard earned earnings of fellow Americans and PLAY FAIR! Time to fire the lobbyists and take care of your own! Pay your taxes and treat your workers fairly and with respect.”
Or this one from Miles White:
Sometimes it the simple things. Here I was looking to change my cell service from AT&T to Verizon, and then I find out about Verizon's underhanded dealings with their Unions, and that you are unpatriotically skipping out on paying taxes. Taxes that go to run the country that YOU live in. That would be like oh I don't know people not paying for your cell service. How would you then be able to afford to upgrade cell service, or pay for those "Can you hear me now" adds. While I don't like AT&T I will defiantly NOT switch to Verizon.
In related news, Verizon Wireless in Oregon is now offering high-speed home Internet via Comcast, another company that is notoriously anti-union and anti-working families.