The Young Turks discuss the new poultry industry self-inspection rule. The latest stories from the front lines of the labor fight across the country... A proposed poultry inspection rule would privatize food safety and lead to more
March 22, 2012

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The Young Turks discuss the new poultry industry self-inspection rule.

The latest stories from the front lines of the labor fight across the country...

  • A proposed poultry inspection rule would privatize food safety and lead to more contamination
  • Tomorrow is a national day of action in support of Verizon workers
  • Working America launches the "Two Simple Questions" campaign to fight back against corporate power grabs (and you can take action!)
  • Michigan's "emergency manager" law has been ruled unconstitutional
  • Idaho Gov. Butch Otter (R) pays female cabinet members a lot less than he pays men
  • Arizona's attempt to kill the state minimum wage has failed
  • D.C. Safeway workers are protesting the company's use of replacement workers
  • Mitt Romney's top education goal is to break teachers unions
  • Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad's attempt to shut down unemployment offices has been ruled unconstitutional
  • CBS profiles union apprenticeships
  • Pacifica hired lawyers, and noted union busters, Jackson Lewis to represent them
  • The man who Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-IN) claimed benefited from the state's new right-to-work (for less) law says the law had nothing to do with it
  • A California woman was fired for taking an emergency bathroom break. You can take action as a response
  • Can you help us out?

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