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The 50-state blog round-up has existed over the years in various forms. The idea is to take a look at state and local blogs in order to see what important things are going on in state politics and campaigns, to get a preview of what's coming to the national stage and to recognize the work of great state and local bloggers.
-Connecticut: My Left Nutmeg covers Rep. Chris Murphy's condemnation of Lowe's over the 'American Muslim' show.
-Delaware: Delaware Liberal reports that the state GOP chose Newt Gingrich by one vote over Mitt Romney in a recent straw poll.
-Florida: Eye on Miami gives the most accurate and fair description I've yet heard about Rep. Allen West -- total idiot.
-Georgia: Blog for Democracy honors the life of civil rights activist John "Piccolo" Pierce.
-Hawaii: No recent posts.
-Idaho: No recent posts.
-Illinois: Progress Illinois notes that corporations in the state are hundreds of millions of dollars short in paying their fair shair.
-Indiana: No recent posts.
-Iowa: Bleeding Heartland provides a good rundown of who's who in the state senate for 2012.
-Kansas: Kansas Free Press has a great series on the disappearance of the Ogallala Aquifer.
-Kentucky: Page One reports that Rep. Geoff Davis (R) is retiring.
-Louisiana: No recent posts.
-Maine: No recent posts.
-Maryland: Maryland Juice reports that people are upset that state Republican Party Chair Alex Mooney has a conflict of interest as a congressional candidate.
-Massachusetts: Blue Mass Group lauds Elizabeth Warren's strong support for LGBT rights.
-Michigan: Blogging for Michigan reports on the federal investigation into the state's emergency manager law.
-Minnesota: MN Progressive Project examines the leaders in the race for chair of the state Republican Party.
-Mississippi: A Liberal in the Midst reports that the state has done better than most in its treatment of Occupy protesters.
-Missouri: Fired Up Missouri describes the Missouri Housing and Development Commission's assault on working families in the state.
-Montana: Montana Cowgirl gives a great rundown on the state of the state.
-Nebraska: New Nebraska Network says that after a long tenure in Congress, Rep. Lee Terry finally steps up as a leader and he's leading in the wrong way on robocalls on cell phones and the Keystone XL pipeline.
-Nevada: Las Vegas Gleaner notes the blatant hypocrisy of the state's right-wingers on the difference between raising taxes and raising fees.
-New Hampshire: Blue Hampshire reports on the unconstitutional approach the state House is taking towards redistricting.
-New Jersey: Blue Jersey covers Muslim protests at Lowe's over their capitulation to right-wingers over the show All-American Muslim.
-New Mexico: Clearly New Mexico covers the battle between Gov. Susana Martinez and the state Supreme Court.
-New York: The Albany Project describes how a push poll tried to slime progressive State Sen. David Carlucci.
-North Carolina: Blue NC rips apart the apologetics over the voter suppression laws Republicans are pushing.
-North Dakota: North Decoder chronicles the controversy in the right-wing North Dakota Netroots.
-Ohio: Buckeye State Blog takes Gov. John Kasich to task after Chiquita decided to kill jobs in the state and move to North Carolina.
-Oklahoma: Blue Oklahoma takes The Oklahoman to task over its coverage of Occupy OKC.
-Oregon: Blue Oregon calls out Sen. Ron Wyden for his assault on Medicare.
-Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania Progressive discusses the state legislature's battle over shooting pigeons. Seriously.
-Rhode Island: No recent posts.
-South Carolina: SC Prog Blog notes that the state's only Fortune 500 company, SCANA, skipped out on most of its taxes in recent years.
-South Dakota: Madville Times condemns the silence of the state Republican Party of charges of serious ethics violations.
-Tennessee: Tennessee Guerilla Women laments the suicide death of bullied student Jacob Rogers.
-Texas: Texas Kaos reports on the latest book on Rick Perry and his winning of Texas Monthly's Bum Steer of the Year award.
-Utah: No recent posts.
-Vermont: Green Mountain Daily is not buying Sen. Patrick Leahy's reassurances on the PROTECT IP Act.
-Virginia: Blue Virginia slams the state Board of Social Services for reintroducing discrimination into the state adoptions policy.
-Washington: Horsesass calls out Democrats for not putting any revenue raising options on the table for the state budget.
-West Virginia: West Virginia Blue says the Keystone XL pipeline would be bad for West Virginia energy industries.
-Wisconsin: Uppity Wisconsin notes how easy it is to buy a gun in the state without a background check.
-Wyoming: Haven't found any progressive blogs for this state yet.
-Alabama: Left in Alabama covers the march on the Alabama governor's mansion calling for the repeal of the state's anti-immigrant law, HB56.
-Alaska: Mudflats correspondent Zach Roberts was arrested at Occupy Wall Street in New York.
-Arizona: Democratic Diva tells us about ALEC's plan to gut solar energy in the state.
-Arkansas: Blue Arkansas introduces us to extreme right-wing congressional candidate Tom Cotton.
-California: Calitics discusses the fiasco that the state budget is once again.
-Colorado: Square State notes that Rep. Mike Coffman said that the U.S. military should be purged of supporters of radical Islam.
The list used to create the post can be found here. If you know of a progressive state or local blog that isn't on the list, e-mail me at quinnelk@hotmail.com and I'll add it.