Someone dragged Saint Ronnie from the grave and brought him back to star in this animated film clip, which is a preview of the feature-length film entitled "I Want Your Money." It's available for the low, low price of $19.95 unless you want the gift pack, which includes stickers and other assorted goodies. There are even Obama bobbleheads...for a price.
"I Want Your Money" is directed and produced by Ray Griggs, an aspiring Los Angeles-area filmmaker. To his credit, he's quite talented and creative when it comes to concept and art. Facts? Not so much, but then, facts aren't important when you're trying to make a point.
Griggs released this movie in 2010 and received some mild attention from the New York Times back then. Otherwise, it seemed to gain a following from the right wingers, but never broke into the mainstream. But never say die to a winger. Another election season, another opportunity.
The actual film features interviews with economic giants a whole bunch of Fox News contributors masquerading as economic experts.
Here's why it won't work to re-release it again. In 2010, everyone was all upset about the Affordable Care Act and stirred into a lather on the right, and the left was a little bit blasé, causing lower turnout on their side of things. But it's 2012 now, and we've gotten a close look at what the right wing means when they say they're going to "focus like a laserbeam" on the economy.
It means they're going to vote to ban abortion about 1,000 times between state and federal legislatures. It means ALEC will write their laws for them. It means that taxes will never, ever be on the table even if it means shutting the government down or defaulting on our national debt. It means a deal is never a deal, because they lie to do a deal and then try to weasel out of it later.
Other than the True Believers, no one today believes anything these yahoos say about the economy or taxes and no one really believes they have the first clue how to fix things, but what people do know is that something is seriously out of whack and Congress is too busy obsessing on birth control and abortion to actually, you know, be serious about doing something about it.
According to the Koch/DeVos-funded Moving Picture Institute, Ray Griggs is an MPI fellow, and they're right on the 2012 bandwagon to promote and push this film out once again, beginning on April 15th, of course. According to the New York Times, his financing for the film was obtained this way:
Mr. Griggs narrates, with an assist from interviewees who include Steve Forbes, John Stossel and Michael Reagan. The film was self-financed for about $500,000, while a number of investors — who are not well known or backed by political candidates or apparatus, Mr. Griggs said — created a somewhat larger fund for prints and advertising.
Oh, Michael Cieply of the New York Times, how gullible you truly are. While it's true that these investors are not well known or backed by political candidates, it is equally true that they choose the shadows and BACK political candidates and apparatus. It wouldn't have taken all that much effort for you to discover that.
Meanwhile, Zombie Reagan will be coming to a right-wing household near you very soon. Be ready.